The Above Average Duckling setlist for April 14 2023:
Throwawayaccountjuan - Remember These Hips and Cry
Sparks - Angus Desire Rivers Cuomo - Chess Ween - Mutilated Lips
Shonen Knife - Strawberry Cream Puff East River Pipe - Silhouette Town Ozma - Domino Effect
Miesha & the Spanks - Dig Me Out Miesha & the Spanks - GRLSROK Miesha & the Spanks - Bear Kids Miesha & the Spanks - Enough is Enough
They Might Be Giants - Ondine Sausage - Recreating The Dog Indiana - Loaf
Courtney Barnett - Nameless, Faceless Lemon Demon - Pumpkin Pie Tally Hall - The Bidding
Peach Pyramid - Wear Sunscreen The Submissives - Only Betty Champion Lawnmower - I Can Slinky
TOPS - Direct Sunlight Cartoon Lizard - Bus Stop World Marlaena Moore - All Alone (Full of Love) Luge - Power Mallard
Fox Teeth - Stay Here Fox Teeth - Promises Fox Teeth - Asbury Park Fox Teeth - Wednesday, Forever???
The Music Tapes - Takeshi and Elijah Mac DeMarco - Brother Mo Kenney - Sour Girl
Nick Waterhouse - Play to Win