The Above Average Duckling setlist for March 29 2024:

Fr3sco17 - six songs with the exact same chord progression in the exact same key

PACKS - Honey Apollo Ghosts - Fake Nurse Diamond Day - Not Going

Ween - Powder Blue Shonen Knife - Banana Leaf Lemon Demon - Geocities

Blush. - Mud Jed Arbour - Parasite Loving - No Mast

Property - Clouds Nirvana - Here She Comes Now Tegan and Sara - Red Belt

They Might Be Giants - I Like Fun The Replacements - I Hate Music Primus - Coddingtown Peach Kelli Pop - Heart Eyes

The Muffs - Oh Nina Pavement - Serpentine Pad Le Tigre - Get Off the Internet The Residents - Tourniquet of Roses

Tasha - New Place Milk - Melty Boar God - Wreckonning

Los Straitjackets - Minority Report Randy Newman - Political Science The Plodes - Did You Know That You Were Small?

Stormpath - Titanium Wings Francis of Delirium - First Touch Haleluya Hailu - Useless

Pixies - The Happening Violent Femmes - Thanksgiving (No Way Out) Hansmole - Heavy Magic

Abby Sage - The Rot