The Above Average Duckling setlist for April 12 2024:

EnglishNarwhal - 🕙

Shonen Knife - Daydream Believer Los Straitjackets - Catalina Not You - LL

Ben Folds Five - Julianne Jonathan Coulton - Big Bad World One Weezer - Take Control

Teenage Art Scene & Talia Fay - Manos the Hands of Fate Francis of Delirium - First Touch Saya Gray - .. YOU, A FOOL

Sparks - Here Comes Bob Jeen. - Hole in My Heart Jons - Trip Ads

Britt A.M. - Enough Men I Trust - All Night Peach Pyramid - Bright Blue

Jane Penny - Wear You Out Naomi Kavka - Landline poolblood - wringer

They Might Be Giants - Stormy Pinkness The Muffs - In Painted Fruit - Resignation

Big Fancy & the Shiddy Cowboys - I Guess I'll Just Go (F*ck Myself) Bnny - Something Blue Toxic Fem - Danny DeVito Vailhalen - Golden Age

Bauhaus - In Fear of Fear The Presidents of the United States of America - Back Porch Ornament & Crime - Wishbone

Ruby Karinto - Fox's Wedding The Fiery Furnaces - Automatic Husband Sausage - Toyz 1988

Chicken-Like Birds - Priorities