The Above Average Duckling setlist for October 18 2024:
SayYesToGiygas - Fear the Sun
Marina and the Diamonds - Bubblegum Bitch Gender Poutine - Gee I Wanna that dog. - Old Timer
The Meringues - Royalty Tasha - Michigan WUT - Guts, Brains
Pale Lips - Hanky Panky Franky worrywart - pretty smush - loafofyarn
Gabby La La - Butter and Eggs They Might Be Giants - Rabid Child XTC - Scissor Man
The Poor Choices - Unglued Kill Lincoln - All Worries Ada Lea - heard you
Wavves - Daisy Shonen Knife - Messy Room Ween - The Golden Eel
Dale Crover - Glossolalia Chloe Palomino - Tie Dye Magpie Crones - Dirt
Makeout Videotape - Future Boy Moon Riders - Burlesque Lemon Demon - SAD
Ben Folds - Not the Same Lucia Fasano - Raindrop Ozma - Natalie Portman
Juice Girls - I'm Not a Doll Rhea George - Mandarin Candy Anemone - Daffodils